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Why plant native?

Insects make up the majority of pollinators and are foundational to ecosystems all over our planet. In addition to pollinating plants, insects support other animals higher on the food chain - many birds, for example, rely on insects for food. The current worldwide collapse of insect populations is very worrisome for the health of our planet - and ultimately, ourselves.


The typical suburban yard is an ecological "dead zone". Species diversity is minimal and pesticide treatments kill off many insects. Fortunately, it's easy to make better choices: avoid commercial lawn treatments (yes, this may mean learning to appreciate those violets and dandelions - after all, they are feeding the bees), and plant an area of your yard with diverse native plant species to provide food and habitat for the creatures who are meant to be here!  


Since we started gardening with native plants several years ago, we have witnessed the transformation of our yards. The diversity of insect life is amazing. On any sunny summer day, our "pollinator patches" are buzzing with life. Plant native and see for yourself! 

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